Wednesday, January 01, 2025
Craft On: Happy New Year!

Each year, I like to do a recap, a wrap up, of all I have made and read in the year. I will share the update since my last Craft On post, but I will also put that wrap up and the end of this post.
Since my last post, we have had an amazing change! Our newest granddaughter, Madelyn, was born, three weeks earlier than expected. She and mama are well, but of course, everyone's life is a little turned over since then.
During the past two weeks, I did find the buttons for her vest, and I just today finished a little hat for her (which still looks a bit too big!). You can see above that I started a pair of socks in the GAL, and they were quick to make, but I finished the first about the time that Madelyn came into the outside, and life was a little busier after that. Also, I caught a cold from Amelia, while we were caring for her, that it seems she caught from an aunt, and so I've been down for the count since Monday. It is quick moving, but also grabs you pretty suddenly, so while it slammed me pretty hard, I'm also feeling quite a bit better than I was Monday and Tuesday.

Here are my finished projects from the GAL, though the hat was finished after the event ended.
I just finished Milk: The Surprising Story of Milk Through the Ages, so it didn't make it on the 2024 list, but it is a good start to my new year of reading.
For my year end review I will start with my books:
2024 Books
- February
- The Mysterious Affair at Styles
- March
- Mansfield Park
- Romans (N. T. Wright for Everyone Bible Study Guides)
- Paul for Everyone: Romans, Part 2, Chapters 9-16 (The New Testament for Everyone)
- April
- Northanger Abbey
- May
- Charming Colorwork Socks: 25 Delightful Knitting Patterns for Colorful, Comfy Footwear
- June
- Knitting for Anarchists
- Murder on the Links
- The Perils of Lady Catherine de Bourgh
- July
- Sense and Sensibility
- Death of a Knit Wit
- August
- Irish Knit Murder
- Knitmare on Beech Street
- September
- Everthing Sad Is Untrue (A True Story)
- Kitchen Yarns: Notes on Life, Love, and Food
- Survival of the Fritters
- Goodbye Cruller World
- Jealousy Filled Donuts
- Boston Scream Murder
- October
- Beyond a Reasonable Donut
- Deck the Donuts
- November
- Cinnamon Twisted
- Double Grudge Donuts
- Lemon Tart
- December
- English Trifle
- Devil's Food Cake
- Key Lime Pie
- From Crook to Cook
Now for my finished objects. Technically, I have finished a sewing project, but the buttons are still not on it, so I am not counting it this year.
2024 Finished Projects (knit, crochet, or sewn)
- Adam's Rib, Design Sample and Gift - knit January 12
- Nafhat, Design Sample for me - knit January 21
- Fir Cone Ornament, Shawn's parents - knit January 23
- Midnight Snow Ornament, Shawn's parents - crochet January 28
- Sunshiny Washcloth, Shawn's parents - knit January 31
- Cabled Headband, Amelia - knit February 3
- One Tone Tawashi, Shawn's parents - knit February 6
- Shamse Drawstring Bag/Facecloth for H'ammaam, Prototype Sample - knit March 14
- Altilal wal’Akhdud Bath Mitt for H'ammaam, Prototype Sample - knit April 9
- Dahha, Design Sample for me - knit May 8
- Altilal wal’Akhdud Washcloth for H'ammaam, Prototype Sample - knit May 25
- Jamal (Dromedary), Sample for Me - knit August 6
- Jamal (Bactrian), Sample - knit August 23
- Fir Tree Garland, Dominic and Shawn - knit August 30
- Scrap Yarn Basket, Dominic and Shawn - crochet August 31
- Altilal wal'Akhdud Soap Sweater, Sample for Me - knit September 12
- Shamse Bath Pouf, Sample for Me - knit September 27
- Secret Stripe Hat, Liberty - knit October 5
- Shallal Prototype, Gift - knit October 10
- Shallal, Sample for Me - knit October 18
- Newlywed Kisses, Shawn - knit December 16
- Rock, Skip and Jump, Madelyn - knit December 17
- Cozy Stocking, Amelia - knit December 21
- Spruce Tree Garland Alexander and Autumn - knit December 22
- Bunny Tail Beanie Madelyn - knit December 25
- Baptismal Gown Amelia - knit December 26
- Gauntlet Mittens Amelia - knit December 28

Linking to Unraveled Wednesday
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Labels: Books, Design, FOs, Giftalong, Homemaking, Knitting, Patterns, WIP, Yarn Along