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Tuesday, June 09, 2020

Craft On: Pairs

Another finished item this week! Not only are these mitts completed with ends woven in, but the pattern is almost ready to go to my technical editor. I will be washing and blocking them today. If you would like to beta knit this pattern and make at least one of them, I would truly appreciate it. Please contact me to receive the pattern for free and the details for the beta knit.

Though I did a very little knitting on Ascalon, I am working more on another of my Trade Winds patterns which focus on color this week. I have started a pair of wonderful slippers in the most decadent yarn. Caravan seemed an appropriate yarn to make a design named after an Arabic wind, with its own name, as well as its fiber composition of Merino, cashmere, camel down and silk. I hope to have the sample knit and pattern fully written and edited for publication in July, around my birthday. Mitts and slippers make perfect summer projects, in my opinion, because they are not heavy in your hands, and they are finished before you know it. If you are where you are going into winter, these would make good quicker projects to keep you warm as winter hits you. Small projects are always the right season.

We are slowly working our way though Little Town on the Prairie. It has been a tiring and stressful few weeks, on top of the background stress of the world around us. Elijah had another seizure, this time two months, almost to the day, from his last. We still cannot find a reason for any of them, though all have happened later in the evening. All scans and tests have come back with no indication of epilepsy or other seizure disorder, no diabetes, no anything that would make them think of why he should be getting them. This last one happened when he was warm and possibly dehydrated, though, so it may have contributed. He is fine and recovering well, but it has been pretty traumatic for everyone, especially for Jerome. Though I am barely sleeping, which is bad, I have been making good progress on Babel, and I expect to be finished with it in the next week or two.

It is looking like our Songs of Praise study group for women is going to begin at the end of this month and I am so excited! Amira is joining us, which I love, as I am thrilled to see the young woman of faith she is growing into, and it looks like some of her friends and my friends' daughters might join us as young women, as well. Since we are sharing the book, I picked up some pretty notebooks for Amira and me to record our thoughts for our study. You can see mine in the photo with the other books.

Linking to Keep Calm and Craft On.

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