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Sunday, March 09, 2025

Menu Plan: First Sunday in Lent

There are many beautiful icons of the Temptation of Jesus, but this painting by Duccio captures the essense of our Lenten journey with Christ in the desert. After being driven to the desert to fast for 40 days and be tested (not as a trick or pop quiz, but to model for us and to teach the way we make our spiritual battle), He commands Satan away, with the angels waiting to attend Him.

Our first full week of Lent is upon us, and it is good. The bright sadness has begun. Last week, we were able to take a tiny, overnight, road trip to visit a priest friend and his wife, while Rich did some work meetings. It was great to bring most of our kids with us and just break up the monotony of life right now. Since Rich's meetings didn't start until later in the morning, we could ease into the day and start with morning prayer with them, as well, before we all went our different directions. Spring is springing much more on the west side and it was such an encouragement to our spirits.

Spring is starting to catch up here, too, and Rich is working hard to finish pruning the fruit trees before he loses his chance. I've rearranged some things on the menu, and will post the recipe for the bisilla on the blog this week. Also, this week, we have the first birthday of the year in our household. The kids keep growing up, and it is bittersweet. We love to see the adults they are becoming, but miss their little faces and voices.

Please pray for us, and we will pray for you. May you have a holy and blessed Lent.

What is on your menu this week? If you want a recipe, ask and I will provide it as soon as I can. If there are any starred recipes, I will follow up separately with a weekly recipe round up on Saturday.

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