Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Craft On: Unfinished Business

Please remind me that I will not remember what my scribbles and cross outs meant the next time I want to put off writing a pattern in my template. I have spent nearly two weeks on something that should have taken two or three days, and on top of that, I still have to decipher the pattern into intelligible English for others to use. But, the knitting is nearly finished, and I do love the project. Since Rich is my normal photographer, we have to figure out how we are going to take modeled shots of this mitten trio. Any suggestions?
Rich asked if I thought I would have these finished and blocked by our Valentine's date. It's slightly possible, but unlikely. However, I would love to be able to wear them out as we walk, and I love that he was looking forward to that.

So, I haven't read much in The Dress Doctor at all. We ended up with a rather challenging, busy, going everywhere kind of week. This hasn't been great for my read a real book at night plan. I finished Très Lèches and started the next one in the series, Baked Alaska. I have a kind of morbid curiosity with these books. We are more than halfway though Pride and Prejudice, and it is delightful sharing the humor and revelation with my kids. I do not think I will read Lady Susan to them, though if they want to read it, that will be their choice.

Linking to Unraveled Wednesday
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Labels: Books, Design, Homemaking, Knitting, Patterns, Romance and Relationship, WIP, Yarn Along