Wednesday, February 05, 2025
Craft On: Moving Right Along

I made quite a bit of progress on Amelia's sweater this weekend. It has been set aside until this upcoming weekend, while I work on Nafas and Basbousa during the week. The socks are still only in the cast on phase. This scarf is taking me a longer time to make than I anticipated. In some ways, this is fitting. Nafas means self in Arabic, but it comes with a sense of dignity and honor. I am meditating on that sense as I knit. There are a lot of interesting parts to this design, but most of it is relatively meditative and allows deep thought. Oh, and don't be fooled by that picture. That is a 40 inch needle with about 400 stitches on it, all bunched.
I have finished You Are Peter and wanted to get into another non-fiction book. I have a lot to say about this little book, and I think I will give a further review or summary later. Today, I am starting with The Dress Doctor, written largely by one of my favorite designers, Edith Head. I'm trying to do reading from real, physical books at night. I also started the next in my most recent mystery series, Très Lèches. We are about a third of the way though Pride and Prejudice, which goes at such a quick pace because of all the humor in it.

Linking to Unraveled Wednesday
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Labels: Books, Design, Homemaking, Knitting, Patterns, WIP, Yarn Along