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Sunday, January 05, 2025

Menu Plan: 12th Night and Theophany

Christ is illumined! Let us shine forth with Him!

Today is 12th Night - the last day of the Christmas feast. Normally, I would make a Twelfth Night cake, but we are still recovering from the past week and a half. It would have been a perfect time to make it, though, as whoever found the baby in the cake would be obligated to make it next year.

Our wonderful church family has been providing quite a lot of the church dinners, either by rounding out what we are bringing or providing the meal entirely. It is such a gift to us.

More of us have fallen ill, however, so things are still a bit out of whack here at home. Please pray for us to completely beat this cold. The good news is that, while it hits pretty hard, it seems to go through fairly quickly, too.

What is on your menu this week? If you want a recipe, ask and I will provide it as soon as I can. If there are any starred recipes, I will follow up separately with a weekly recipe round up on Saturday.

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