Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Craft On: Pairs and Pairs

I just finished the knitting on Autumn's mitts, but I still need to weave in ends and block them. Working on Nafas and about to cast on for the Crossandra sweater for Amelia, and I am working on Basbousa again. The plan is to get back to my slipper socks this weekend, too. I love all of these, so it really is a pleasure to work on them. My four project limit is helping and I think will ultimately give me the structure I need, with a little freedom to play, as well.
I finished Blame the Beignets and am back with Pumpkin Roll. I know these are silly, brain candy, but the doughnut ones are written better. I'm trying to decide if I will still finish the other series. I'm about a third of the way through You Are Peter. I keep thinking I should just read it aloud to Rich, so we both can finish it. He likes to listen to books, whereas I tune them out unless I have another way to interact with them while listening.

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Labels: Books, Design, Homemaking, Knitting, Patterns, WIP, Yarn Along