Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Craft On: Back to Basbousa

This past week has been a week of finishing. Besides the mitts, I finished my socks that I started in the Gift A Long. Even though, technically, I started them a month ago, it was really only about six days of knitting time on them. I put them aside while I worked on the hat for Madelyn, and then the mitts for Autumn. Now, they are finished, and I am working on Basbousa (as you see above), Nafas (which is going fairly slowly, but steadily), and Crossandra (also up there, in the green). I'm hoping to have all three of those finished relatively soon. The final mitten for Basbousa might be finished by Friday and count toward my January totals, or it might not be finished until early next week, but it is close.
In the meantime, I have just cast on for another heavy weight pair of socks, as a gift to a dear friend, and a late, late Christmas present. I'm going to have to consider when the Presentation and Purification are in the Old Calendar, if I want to offer it as a Christmas present.
My four project at a time plan, and the categories for them, do seem to be keeping me more on track, and feeling less restricted. So far, I am already finished with three projects, and pretty close to finished on the fourth. I will be able to work on another UFO when I finish Basbousa, and another design besides Nafas when I finish that. When Crossandra is finished, I plan to start a red vest for me. I need to find a similar system to work on my sewing projects.
One of the goals of my using up stash and finishing WsIP and UFOs is to clear out a couple yarn bins in my room and have more space to work on my sewing machine in there. That way, sewing isn't as much of a set up and tear down chore, and I can practice more and make more progress there, too. One day, between knitting, sewing, and crocheting, I'd love to have a wardrobe that is mostly handmade. I'm not so sure about making jeans for myself, but with the dearth of 100% cotton denim, that may be a task for the future one day, as well.
I'm just flying through the brain candy books. So, I finished Pumpkin Roll, as well as Banana Split. Since I finished those two, I picked up You Are Peter, and I'm a little more than half way through it. Reading about how East and West both understood the Primacy of Peter, and his Sees, and the development of thought around it is interesting. The move to supremacy comes much later, and I look forward to how the book will explain more. We are about to start Pride and Prejudice. That is my original copy from when I was about 10 years old. We have three copies at home, but this is the one I always return to for myself.

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Labels: Books, Design, Homemaking, Knitting, Patterns, WIP, Yarn Along