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Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Craft On: Plodding

My knitting has been going much more slowly lately, between the sheer exhaustion of everything we have done, recovering from illness, and then the exhaustion of grief. This design was supposed to be ready weeks ago; and then even after modifying that schedule, was supposed to be ready this week. Instead, I am hoping to have it out this month. If you are interested in beta knitting it for me, and sharing photos, please contact me. The design has two options, and six sizes. I am only asking for one mitt to be made of any of the sizes, except the two smallest. Ideally, I would like to have a beta knitter for each size in each variation, which right now means ten knitters, as I have knit the adult medium in one variation and am working on the toddler size in the other.

It is also fair week, and though we still entered things into the fair, it was much less than normal. All of my knits and baked goods got blue ribbons, though (look at Nabati there!), and my peach pie received best in class.

Now for our sorrow and the reason for our grief. (Skip to the bottom, if you do not want to read about sorrow).

Our sweet grandson, Emmanuel Nasrullah was delivered stillborn to our second son and his wife early in the morning August 6, on the Feast of the Transfiguration. His name means God abiding (or living) with us (Emmanuel) and the victory of God (Nasrullah).

Having the experience of the corporal act of mercy in burying our loved one was extremely powerful and cathartic. I think we, in the west especially, have denied ourselves this part of grief and healing. Every one of the men, father, grandfathers and brothers, priest and godfathers, dug the grave and almost all of us, men, women, children, buried our sweet babe. Please keep us in your prayers. Especially our son and his wife.

I will be posting at least one more sample to sell on Instagram, if you are interested. I am also selling stash on Instagram and Ravelry (and you are free to make an offer on any stash that isn't marked for sale, but I may not accept it), and some samples on Instagram. Of course, all my patterns are available for sale at these sales platforms: Ravelry Store, PayHip Store, LoveCrafts Store.Thank you.

I'm reading Knitmare on Beech Street, my prayer book and Bible, and that is basically it. It's still a challenge to read anything else.

Linking to Unraveled Wednesday

If you would like to receive updates and early notice of new patterns, beta knitting opportunities, and great discounts (plus pictures of new yarns, new tools, fun places, neat hints, book ideas, recipes and more) each month, please subscribe to 1,001 Knits. My best, and sometimes my only, discounts go to my subscribers.

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