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Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Craft On: So Close I Can Taste It

I'm nearly finished with the bodice on the baptismal gown. Not a lot of progress on the mitts, just because I am trying to finish the bodice. I should be more disciplined and take a day on each. Perhaps I will do that this week, and keep the weekends for the gown, as I normally do not do design work on weekends. It would be fantastic to have this finished and be able to count the yardage and skeins of yarn out of my stash this month, too. The sleeves aren't long, so maybe?

Let's see, that will give me another 11 days to finish the bodice and sleeves. Even if the buttons aren't sewn on at that point, I think all the knitting would be complete.

Tomorrow and Friday, I ought to be able to get some work done on Jamal and on H'ammaam. If I work steadily, I hope to have samples for both entirely completed by the second week of July.

We are almost halfway through Sense and Sensibility now. I finished Murder on the Links and rather than returning to non-fiction, I picked up another book of Poirot short stories. It's where I am right now.

Linking to Unraveled Wednesday

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