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Thursday, June 13, 2024

Craft On: Exciting News!

The baptismal gown is close to finished now! I was able to work on it a bit more last night at the recital, too. And it sounds like they have started the process to get the baptism service done soon. Also, we can now announce that we have two more grandbabies coming in the next 12 months! Dominic and Shawn are having a baby in December, and Alexander and Autumn in January or February! We are so excited. Bring on the baby knits! I have to get more progress done on my projects and designs, so I can make more things for these sweet babies.

Shawn and I have already discussed yarn and project for little Lentil, and I have a few things planned for Lentil and Peapod. I cannot wait to meet them!

Also, I wanted to show my yarn, fabric and notions from Asia. The fabric was all bought in Japan, as was the ribbon, one set of buttons in Tokyo, and one in Seoul. I also bought a razor seam ripper at the fabric district in Seoul. The yarn was from a shop my sister in law scoped out for me before I got there.

We've picked up our reading of Sense and Sensibility. I finished Knitting for Anarchists, and my copy arrived in the mail. I've started reading Murder on the Links as my fun fiction in between the non-fiction. I love Agatha Christie.

Linking to Unraveled Wednesday

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Congratulations on the new grandchildren to be. You have some pretty fabrics and notions all ready to go. Enjoy.
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