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Sunday, June 23, 2024

Menu Plan: June 23 - 29

We are having our belated Pentecost Tongues of Flame Barbecue today, and thus celebrating with our Eastern brethren. We will also be celebrating the Croatian Independence Day on Tuesday, as they are our adopted new country (we hope). Then there is the major feast of Saints Peter and Paul on Saturday. Lots of feasting here.

Did I say something about rest and recovery? Just kidding! There is vacation Bible school this week. The kids will be volunteering (and attending), and we will be in and out there, as needed.

The weather is also being a bit odd for us still. Technically, it is summer. Usually by now we are deep in summer, and have been for over a month. However, our highest temperatures are only supposed to be around 91˚F in town (it's lower out where we are), and only for a day. Then it is going as low at the mid 70s, and only once are the shaman predicting anything approaching 90 again this week, and that seems more like wishful thinking. I know it's been fairly hot in other areas, but it's not here.

What is on your menu this week? If you want a recipe, ask and I will provide it as soon as I can. If there are any starred recipes, I will follow up separately with a weekly recipe round up on Saturday.

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