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Sunday, July 23, 2023

Menu Plan: July 23 - 29

Last week began as an easier, more relaxed week, but ended up with a car in at the mechanic's and another with a flat tire that needed repairs, and the franctic organizing and chauffeuring that we all required to get everyone to work, orthodontist, dance, mid-week church services, and so on. On top of that, we had an extra event added to our Saturday evening so we were kind of double booked and literally had to leave from one event to go to another with one or the other vehicle unavailable. So, we'll see how this week goes. There isn't even a mid-week service to work around this week. We do have a couple reasons for me to leave the house this week, but mostly I will be here to get things done and get some rest.

My birthday is this week, but I am keeping it low-key. I was able to get a little preserving done yesterday, and I'm hoping to get some home cured bacon smoked this week. Mostly, my plan is to keep going through our things and downsize and declutter a bit more. The weather is supposed to be a little cooler, but still pleasantly hot. Our 100˚ weather did not materialize last week, but it got pretty close. 99˚ on one day. In either case, because the shaman predicted two days in a row of over 100˚, we got our air conditioning units in, and the house is much cooler.

Even still, we will be making more hot weather dishes that don't require as much use of the oven or a lot of use of the stove. I'm so grateful for our pressure cooker and grill. Two of the kids will be gone this next weekend, one for a girlfriends weekend and another for a dear friend's wedding. So, I will have to try to make less food again, at least for a few days. We are preparing for the Dormition fast coming up in a little over a week, too, so trying to plan out meals that will make room in our freezers and to enjoy some of the things we won't be eating for a couple weeks. We have a fish day on Wednesday, so we are going to enjoy some fish tacos and free up some more freezer space. We will not be fasting quite as strictly for the Dormition, so you will likely see some menus with olive oil, dairy and egg in them. We will keep Wednesdays and Fridays more strictly, and weekends will have wine and fish return (I think there is another fish day for a feast, besides the Transfiguration).

What is on your menu this week? If you want a recipe, ask and I will provide it as soon as I can. If there are any starred recipes, I will follow up separately with a weekly recipe round up on Saturday.

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