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Sunday, March 12, 2023

Menu Plan: Third Sunday of Lent

The Trapanese pesto pizza with shrimp and chard last week was a huge hit, and will definitely show up on the menu again. We leave out the cheese when we make the Trapanese pesto, so it will be Lenten, and increase the amount of the almonds, and it is so good! It was more like a flat bread than a pizza, but there was a local restaurant that made a similar (not exactly the same) flatbread and took it off its menu, so this was a great replacement, and actually better than theirs.

We are excited to have the feast of Saint Patrick this week. I had the opportunity to give a little talk about him to our homeschool co-op this week, which was awesome, as his life and confession are so inspiring to me. We will be having fish on Friday in his honor.

This morning, we told our kids that since we didn't have church this morning, we would have a family movie morning with muffins and maize (popcorn), because last night was a pretty late one, and with the evil D(emonic) S(atan's) T(ime) change, we didn't want everyone up even later. I think my prayer intentions today are for the end of DST.

What is on your menu this week? If you want a recipe, ask and I will provide it as soon as I can. If there are any starred recipes, I will follow up separately with a weekly recipe round up on a Saturday.

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