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Sunday, March 21, 2021

Menu Plan: Passion Sunday

So, another problem with the West's deviation from the Early Church's calendar and observance of Lent is that we now don't really observe Passion Sunday, which really is the final Sunday of Lent. Holy Week was always its own, separate, observance. We marked the Passion on the last Sunday of Lent, as a remembrance of what Christ did for our salvation, then we walk that final week of His life with Him during Holy week, from Palm Sunday, through His betrayal on Spy Wednesday, His Last Supper and the institution of the priesthood and the Eucharist, His arrest and trial, His crucifixion, and His rest in the tomb, as He harrowed Hell to free those captive to death. We live through the events of that week each year. However, in the west, we also throw the Passion in there, and after we commemorate His triumphal entry, but before we actually commemorate the events of His Passion, as though it were too much to ask people to live those days with Him and with the Church. It is jarring and confusing, especially when even our own calendars and prayer books show that vestige. Regardless, the prayer book marks this day as Passion Sunday still, and we are remembering it. Since this week includes a birthday and the feast of the Annunciation, as well, we have a lot of bright spots to cheer us during this time.

It has been 33 days since we have eaten any meat or meat products (broth, etc.), and have only rarely eaten dairy or fish (for the oldest six of us, anyway), and will be 47 days by our Paschal feast. This is the first year we have been able to even attempt the more accurate fast as the early Church did (we had always had kids who were too young before, and I was either pregnant or nursing for a lot of that time), and while it has been a challenge, again, it has made us appreciate the food we do eat. Just the other day, I ate some carrots as a snack, and was amazed at how delicious carrots are. When we do get to have a bit of cheese or piece of fish, we are so grateful for it. The kids are amazing and encourage us in our fast. They have had us make fasting friendly foods for even their small birthday parties, which was really neat to see. Amira's friends didn't seem to notice that the meal was Lenten, and Elijah almost always gets a break on his birthday, since it is the Feast of the Annunciation. We are truly fasting within our strength, and reaping the benefits of obeying God's will and the teaching He has given us through His Church. We are so much more in awe of our Eastern brethren, who are much more strict about this than we are. It is definitely a discipline that grows us, though, and we look forward to increasing our observance and the increase in faith and in holiness that is offered to us through it.

What is on your menu this week? If you want a recipe, ask and I will provide it as soon as I can. If there are any starred recipes, I will follow up separately with a weekly recipe round up on Saturday. Linking to Menu Plan Monday

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