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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Menu Plan: May 20 - May 26

Alleluia! Christ the Lord Ascendeth into heaven! Come let us adore Him! Alleluia!

This past week was so busy and tiring that I couldn't even post a menu. I can tell you what we ate if you are really that interested. It was a good week, with lots of fun and good accomplished, but exhausting.

First off was recital weekend, so there were late/extra rehearsals, hair, makeup and costume prep, two performances and all that this entails. My allergies, Alexander's allergies and Mariam's allergies were all acting up that weekend, Rich had a cold and we all just got worse from there.

Mother's Day was spent recovering on the couch with books. Alexander made me a lovely chocolate cake with chocolate frosting:

Dominic and Amira worked together to make me butter cookies that spelled out Happy Mother's Day:

We had a field trip I had organized, school work to do, gardening and then came Ascension Day. We had several late nights this week, friends over and hard work in the yard. It's time to catch up on some rest.

I've been meaning to post my recipe and pictures on how to make ma'amoul for a while, and I finally uploaded the pictures. Perhaps I can do that in the next couple weeks. I also have a recipe for baked pesto pasta that we really like and is quick and easy to put together that I can post soon.

This is the last week of the Paschal season. I'm finally going to test drive my lamb pan and try to make us a butter cake in it. It will be our farewell to the season. Pentecost is this coming Sunday!What is on your menu this week? If you want a recipe, ask and I will provide it as soon as I can. If there are any starred recipes, I will follow up separately with a weekly recipe round up on Saturday.

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