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Monday, December 15, 2008

Family Stuff & More St. Nicholas

So, yesterday Alexander debuted as an acolyte. He was prepared for one job and had it switched on him at the last minute and still did a great job. I had intended to get a photo of him, but forgot to do it before the service began. Afterward, he changed so fast that I didn't get a chance to do it. He may be serving next week, so I will try to remember then.

Dominic, therefore, took over in the helping with the youngest siblings department. Since Rich is up front serving as subdeacon, that meant I was on my own with Jerome and Yasmina to manage. Yasmina is pretty easy going, but Jerome has been acting up at church lately, so it's been a bit of a struggle. He did better this week than last, so I'm hoping next week will go better still. Dominic was great at taking Yasmina and holding her while I wrangled Jerome.

I do have some quickie pictures we had done a little over a week ago. That picture above is one of them.

Here is a shot of the family. It's not the best picture of any of us, but we are all looking in relatively the same direction.

This is Jerome looking cool. Or pensive. Or befuddled.

Elijah is looking mighty grown up here.

Even though this isn't a perfect photo, I really like it. It shows our older boys with Yasmina as they are.

This picture is a better picture of Rich.

This is a better picture of me.

We just need to crop and put them together. Then we'd have a good picture of both of us.

In my last post, I forgot to mention the most fun thing about St. Nicholas day (for me, at least). We had initially been planning on just putting a little token gift in for Yasmina, but Amira said that we should ask St. Nicholas for treats that I like, since whatever I eat goes into Yasmina's milk. So, I got two stockings! The best part, is that Amira suggested this with absolutely no prompting from me or anyone else!

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I like your daughter's two stocking idea! Does that mean I get three? :)
What great pictures! Thanks for sharing!
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