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Monday, May 05, 2008

Avocado Whine

I learned this past week why you have never heard of avocado wine or liquor. We had a few small avocados that had been in the house for a week, and I was making burritos for lunch. I sliced them open, scooped out the pulp and spread it on my burrito. It looked like it was a tiny bit overripe, and needed to be eaten immediately, but it was still green, no mold or anything like that. Well, I took a bite and realized it had fermented.

Let's just say that I don't think there will be any great demand for avocado wine. It was so revolting, and was squished all over my burrito, so I had to toss it. I still shudder when I remember the flavor.

I was only able to recover from this by eating lots of chocolate. Which solves many problems.

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LOL!!! What a great laugh! Sorry about your lunch though! Glad you had chocolate on hand to help with the recovery! Now if only we could get world leaders to discuss politics with a box or two of chocolate in front of them! Then there would be world peace right?!
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